
Community Learning and Development in Scotland and internationally: literature review - plain language summary

A plain language summary of the literature review which documents research on Community Learning and Development (CLD) delivered within Scotland and internationally. The review forms part of the evidence base collected as part of the Independent Review of CLD, led by Kate Still.

3. Monitoring, Evaluation, Funding and Evidence Gaps

Organisations who fund CLD often favour monitoring CLD to see if progress is being made.

Research suggests CLD providers often do not see this approach as effective.

There can be a tension between:

  • Organisations who deliver CLD.
  • Organisations who fund CLD.

Strict monitoring and evaluation might not be directly helpful for CLD learners in many situations.

Other approaches have been proposed which might work better.

There is limited funding for CLD organisations in Scotland. Funding for CLD is also a challenge in many other countries.

This may make it more difficult for CLD staff to stay in their jobs.

Some of the research highlights that many CLD learners may be experiencing poverty.

We know very little about some areas of CLD, such as:

  • Literacy, numeracy, and digital skills.
  • Things that help people to learn.
  • Things that make it more difficult for people to learn.
  • How to gather better data on adult learning.

Future research might be able to find out more.



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