Community Learning and Development in Scotland and Internationally - Literature Review

This literature review documents research on Community Learning and Development (CLD) delivered within Scotland and internationally. The review forms part of the evidence base collected as part of the Independent Review of CLD, led by Kate Still.

Related Publications

This document is part of a suite of publications related to the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD). This includes:

Learning: For All. For Life. A report from the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD)

Learning: For All. For Life. A report from the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD) – Learners Summary

A British Sign Language (BSL) version of this Learner Summary will be available on the Scottish Government website.

Community Learning and Development in Scotland and Internationally: Literature Review

Independent Review of Community Learning and Development: a call for evidence. Analysis report of the evidence gathered during consultation

Community Learning and Development (CLD) - Statistics Brief presenting data relevant to CLD in Scotland

How to access background or source data

The data collected for this social research publication:

☒ may be made available on request, subject to consideration of legal and ethical factors. Please contact



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