
Community Ownership in Scotland 2022

Annual publication showing the extent of community ownership in Scotland.

Data and Methodology

This data has been collected from a variety of sources: bodies providing funding to community groups to purchase assets, details of asset transfers from relevant public sector organisations and directly from community groups. The data has been collated and quality assured against the Land Register held by Registers of Scotland.

Further information on the data sources and methods to compile the data can be found in the accompanying User Guide.

We are aware there may be instances of community ownership which are not currently included in this publication. Please use this form to report assets which are in community ownership so they can be considered for inclusion in the next Community Ownership in Scotland statistical publication.

Please tell us what you think of the publication by completing our user survey.

Data tables and figures

The full set of data tables are available online in the Tables supporting document. The figures in this publication, and the data used to create them, are available online in the Figures supporting document. The Map is available is a separate supporting document.

The dataset used to produce the statistics will be published following publication of this report. The timescale for this is yet to be determined but users will be informed once it is published via ScotStat. This dataset will be prepared so as to exclude any information which must remain confidential.

The dataset will contain the following information for each asset included in the statistics:

  • name of the group owning the asset
  • name of the asset
  • postcode of the asset
  • local authority of the asset
  • area of asset (where applicable)
  • asset type
  • year of transfer
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