Community ownership in Scotland 2019

Annual publication showing the extent of community ownership in Scotland.

Assets in Community Ownership by Asset Type, 2019

Almost all community owned assets are land and/or buildings
Bar chart: assets by type – land, buildings, land and buildings or other

The data for this chart is available in Table 7 of the Tables and Charts supporting document.

Of the 28 assets which came into community ownership in 2019, 18 were buildings, seven were land and three consisted of land and buildings.

Community owned assets which are exclusively land: 286

Nearly half of community owned assets are exclusively land (286), with a just over a third (208) exclusively buildings and 94 land and buildings.

Most assets will fall into the category of land, buildings or both. The two assets categorised as ‘Other’ were a ferry and salmon fishing rights for a river.

There may be a degree of subjectivity in how categories have been assigned, e.g. a building with a very small area of land. The classification of an asset may also change after a community group takes ownership.



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