Community ownership in Scotland 2019

Annual publication showing the extent of community ownership in Scotland.

Assets in Community Ownership, 2019 by Urban Rural Classification 2016

More than six out of ten community owned assets are located in remote rural areas
Bar chart: assets by 6-fold 2016 Urban Rural Classification of asset location

The data for this chart is available in Table 8 of the Tables and Charts supporting document.

Of the 28 assets which came into community ownership in 2019, 15 were in remote rural areas, seven were in accessible rural areas with six in urban areas, referred to as the rest of Scotland.

Community owned assets in remote rural areas in 2019: 374

Remote rural areas contain 63% of community owned assets and 98% of the land area in community ownership. A further 98 assets (17%) are in accessible rural areas, comprising just over 1% of the land area.

While a fifth of assets (118) are located in the rest of Scotland, these assets only comprise 0.5% of the area in community ownership.

The Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification is assigned according to the address/location of the asset. Assets with large areas may straddle multiple classes. Further information on the Classification is available here.



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