
Community Payback Order: practice guidance

This revised guidance replaces 'Community Payback Order: practice guidance' issued in 2019. Guidance is updated to support commencement of the restricted movement requirement at first disposal.

13. Drug Treatment and Testing Orders

These continue to be available to courts as a sentencing option. Both Drug Treatment and Testing Orders (DTTOs) and RLOs can be used as a concurrent sentence with a CPO.

A DTTO is a high tariff disposal for individuals with drug problems who might otherwise receive a custodial sentence.

The purpose of a DTTO is to focus on individuals for whom offending is a consequence of substance misuse (for example, acquisitive offending to support dependence), and who are at direct risk of receiving a custodial sentence. It is different from a drug treatment requirement, which is focused on individuals whose offending is not as prolific.



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