Complaints against lawyers and legal firms in Scotland: consultation

This consultation sets out proposals and seeks views on potential improvements to the legal complaints system, within the current legislative framework of the Legal Profession and Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 2007.


1. Fit for the Future – Report of the Independent Review of Legal Services Regulation in Scotland, Esther a Robertson; available at:

2. Scottish Government Response to the Independent Review of Legal Services Regulation in Scotland; available at:

3. 1980 c.46.

4. 2007 asp 5.

5. 2010 asp 16.

6. Fit for the Future – Report of the Independent Review of Legal Services Regulation in Scotland, Esther A Robertson, page 2.

7. Call for Evidence, 2018. Responses available at:

8. These tests are set out in section 2(1A) and (4) and sections 3 and 4 of the 2007 Act.

9. See sections 21 and 22 of the 2007 Act for details of the appeals process.

10. Amendments made by the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (Modification of Duties and Powers) Regulations 2014 (S.S.I. 2014/232).

11. See section 27 of the Legal Profession and Legal Services (Scotland) Act 2007.

12. Sees section 28 of the 2007 Act.

13. Anderson Strathern LLP v Scottish Legal Complaints Commission 2016 SLT 967.

14. See section 42ZA of the Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980.

15. See section 53ZB of the 1980 Act.

16. Section 10(2)(d) of the 2007 Act.

17. See the case of Bartos v Scottish Legal Complaints Commission [2015] CSIH 50 where such a situation occurred.

18. See Part 1 of the 2007 Act.

19. See sections 2 and 4 of the 2007 Act as well as the diagram in the Annex to this consultation.

20. See section 7 and 10 of the 2007 Act.

21. See section 21 of the 2007 Act.

22. See sections 2(4) and 9A(4) of the 2007 Act.

23. See principally section 9 of the 2007 Act.

24. See sections 28 and 29 of the 2007 Act.

25. See section 9(4) of the 2007 Act.

26. See section 13 of the 2007 Act; also see sections 29, 35 and 36 of the 2007 Act on more general publishing matters.

27. See section 10 of the 2007 Act.



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