
Complaints, investigations and misconduct in policing: implementation of recommendations - thematic progress report - December 2021

Second thematic progress report following publication of Dame Eish Angiolini’s final report setting out implementation progress with details of the status and lead responsibility for each recommendation.

Theme 4: Transparency and Accessibility

The recommendations under this theme can be implemented without the need to make legislation and action is ongoing in relation to those which were not completed as part of the last thematic report. Progress includes collaborative working with interested stakeholders to ensure information on the complaints system and processes are accessible and clearly communicated to members of the public.

Information on SPA Committees

Recommendations 30 and 31 relate to increased public awareness of the work by the SPA's Complaints and Conduct Committee and ensuring that Committee features in the SPA Annual Report and Accounts. In the period since the last thematic progress report was published, text for inclusion in SPA's Annual Report and Accounts, which published in October 2021, in relation to the Committee has been agreed. This is in addition to the earlier publication of a Committee-specific report in August 2021. Therefore these recommendations have been implemented and, as highlighted in the table below, are now complete.

Improvements to information on how to complain

There have been general improvements around accessibility for members of the public to the police complaints process, which ties in with Recommendation 46. In addition to ongoing liaison with criminal justice partners, COPFS is considering additional options to further improve accessibility. Police Scotland publicises the process of making complaints of a crime to COPFS and, as mentioned below, there is an ongoing review of Police Scotland web pages.

Improvements to information on how to complain

Progress continues to be made in relation to Recommendation 48 with the establishment of a QR code which provides enhanced accessibility to the Police Complaints section of the Police Scotland website. This is now widely available to the public, officers and staff following extensive consultation with SPA, PIRC, HMICS, Criminal Allegations Against the Police Division (CAAPD), Scottish Youth Parliament, Association of Scottish Police Superintendents and Scottish Police Federation being hugely positive. Connected to this is progress made in relation to Recommendation 49, with a review of Police Scotland internet pages ongoing in conjunction with consultation with the Scottish Youth Parliament and others.

Further updates

Details on progress against other recommendations under this theme are set out in the table below:

Theme 4: Transparency and Accessibility

Progress Overview for the period 1 May to 30 September 2021



Current Position


Greater public sharing of SPA Complaints and Conduct Committee work



Proposal for publication of public version of private SPA Committee minute approved at August 2021 Complaints and Conduct Committee. This process will commence from the May meeting.


SPA Complaints and Conduct Committee work to feature in SPA Annual Report and Accounts



Complaints and Conduct Committee annual report for 2020/21 approved for publication at August 2021 meeting. Summary extract included in this year's SPA Annual Report and Accounts which published in October 2021.


Publicising avenue to take criminal allegations to COPFS directly


In progress

Options are currently under consideration that might support/improve accessibility. In addition, when the new COPFS website goes live, Criminal Allegations Against the Police Division (CAAPD) will have a page that advises members of the public that they may initiate a criminal allegation by reporting directly to COPFS. Further liaison with criminal justice partners is required to properly identify all the consequences of introducing any changes to practice in this regard. Signposting is also now included on SPA website.


Police Scotland to publicise right to complain

Police Scotland

In progress

Work continues to ensure that the system is fair, accountable, transparent and accessible for a complainer to effectively navigate the complaints process. This work included the establishment on 11 October 2021 of a QR Code which will provide the public, officers and staff with enhanced accessibility to the Police Scotland Complaint Section on the website. Extensive consultation with SPA, PIRC, HMICS, CAAPD, Scottish Youth Parliament, ASPS & SPF has all been fully supportive. Professional Standards web pages have also been revised in support of this.


Know your Rights section of the Police Scotland website to be improved

Police Scotland

In progress

Review of Police Scotland's website is ongoing. Consultation has now taken place with Scottish Youth Parliament and, as noted at recommendation 48, a QR Code was established in October, providing the public with enhanced accessibility to the Police Scotland Complaint Section on the website.

The following is a list of recommendations within this theme which were signed off by the Ministerial Group as completed and featured in the Thematic Progress Report dated 24 June 2021:

Theme 4: Transparency and Accessibility cont




Publicising recourse beyond PIRC to Scottish Public Services Ombudsman



Police Scotland to simplify navigating complaints process for members of the public

Police Scotland


Police Scotland to adjust "Early intervention" practice to ensure officers are aware of a complaint against them

Police Scotland



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