
Complaints, investigations and misconduct in policing: implementation of recommendations - thematic progress report - December 2021

Second thematic progress report following publication of Dame Eish Angiolini’s final report setting out implementation progress with details of the status and lead responsibility for each recommendation.

Theme 5: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity data

Police Scotland's Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Human Rights Strategic Oversight Board (EDI & HR SOB) aims to maintain oversight and support strategic issues relating to Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Human Rights throughout the organisation, in all aspects of planning and delivery.

The EDI & HR SOB includes the prioritisation and co-ordination of activity on issues and recommendations arising from Dame Elish Angiolini's Review and also to agree appropriate and deliverable measurements to monitor progress and success of the EDI agenda.

At this strategic level, work is ongoing in respect of developing EDI measures and insights data which align to performance reporting, and also to identify any gaps/additional EDI measures and insights required to evidence the impact of the work that is underway at a national, regional and local level.

Police Scotland and SPA are expanding collection and publication of diversity data. Police Scotland's Analysis and Insights report has been produced for newly appointed staff and its promotion process. A working group has been established to progress data analysis and insights to further progress Recommendation 5 going forward. The SPA review of online forms (including equality and diversity) is being progressed as part of wider review of SPA's digital offer, although wider discussions are also ongoing via National Complaints Handling Development Group (NCHDG) in this regard.

In the period since the last report, Police Scotland provided a presentation to PIRC senior staff on workstreams that will address this recommendation. PIRC has introduced forms to collect diversity data in relation to Recommendation 5 and it is part of the information that will be collected in relation to allegations of criminality that are investigated by PIRC. PIRC includes diversity monitoring as part of PIRC's recruitment process and work is ongoing with web developers to enable candidates to apply online via their website.

Police Scotland has reported that arrangements for the gathering and storage of diversity complaints data is being explored in relation to Recommendation 19. This will include data governance arrangements and system development needs for the storage of Professional Standards Department (PSD) diversity data on the Police Scotland SCoPE system. In addition, Police Scotland has reported that work to analyse complaints data relative to Recommendation 60 is being progressed jointly by PSD and Police Scotland's People and Development Department to gather demographic data on complaints.

Independent review

In the period since the last report, and in relation to Recommendation 18, the Equality, Diversity, Inclusion & Human Rights (EDI & HR) Independent Review Group (IRG) held its first meeting. A report was also presented to the SPA Board on 29 September 2021, along with a Terms of Reference and IRG outcomes.

The IRG is anticipated to be in place between 12-18 months with a final report to the SPA Board anticipated in September 2022. It will provide informed scrutiny of Police Scotland's EDI activity by offering expertise, guidance, critical oversight, challenge, review and assurance with a focus on the 3 key areas of Cultural Change; Strategic Direction and Training and Development. The IRG will also engage with members of the EDI & HR SOB and Police Scotland to enhance the identification of risk and provide insight on effective mitigation measures.

Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland's (HMICS) Inspection into Police Scotland's Training and Development - Phase 2 Equality and Diversity, has also completed the inspection activity. The report was published on 20 October, with 10 recommendations that will be considered alongside the work already ongoing outlined above.

PIRC consideration of discrimination issues

As reported previously in connection with Recommendation 44, PIRC prepared an internal guidance document in relation to dealing with allegations of discrimination when undertaking investigations or complaint handling reviews. PIRC held a meeting with its counterpart for England and Wales, the Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC), whose diversity team confirmed that the guidance is still current and applicable. The guidance document was also shared with Police Scotland who sought feedback from key members of their Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Human Rights Independent Review Group. Constructive feedback was provided prior to the document being finalised. The Guidance will now be published on the PIRC website resulting in discharge of this recommendation. All staff are required to read the guidelines and, in particular, apply them when dealing with any allegations of discrimination.

Unconscious bias training

Police Scotland has continued to progress work in connection with Recommendation 66. An Insert has been developed for its Operational Safety Training on Unconscious Bias in the tactical environment is currently out for consultation with staff associations.

Workforce impacts and diversity

In the period since the last report, Police Scotland has shared the results of the Your Voice Matters (YVM) survey with the Survey Steering Group and the Diversity Network Chairs to ensure that any reflections or areas of concern are included within the organisational Improvement Plan. A draft Improvement Plan has been developed and will be circulated to Survey Steering Group and Diversity Staff Associations for their review and input prior to being presented through Police Scotland's normal governance channels.

Work is ongoing through Police Scotland's EDI & HR SOB to engage internal and external stakeholders in shaping positive, effective, sustainable change; providing opportunities for feedback whilst identifying and sharing best practice across the organisation

Recommendation 15 seeks to increase Police Scotland's understanding of the experience and impacts of discrimination, prejudice and unconscious bias on all minority groups in the workforce. Related to this, Police Scotland has held discussions with the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) in respect of discrimination training for use by Police Scotland which furthers progress in connection with Recommendation 17.

Hate Crime and Third Party Reporting

Work is also being taken forward by the Partnerships, Preventions and Community Wellbeing Division within Police Scotland to improve third party reporting of hate crime as set out in Recommendation 50, but also links to wider improvements being made as a result of HMICS Hate Crime Inspection.

At a strategic level, this also links into the work is ongoing through Police Scotland's EDI & HR SOB and the EDI Service Delivery Sub Group in relation to Hate Crime. In September, a presentation was given to the EDI & HR SOB with an overview of Hate Crime priority activities being undertaken to minimise risk to vulnerable groups and enhance public reassurance.

Further updates

Details on progress against other recommendations under this theme are set out in the table below:

Theme 5: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Progress Overview for the period 1 May to 30 September 2021



Current Position


Police Scotland and SPA to consider expanding collection and publication of diversity data

Police Scotland & SPA

In progress

Analysis and Insights report produced for newly appointed staff and promotion process. Working group has also been established to progress data analysis and insights going forward.

At strategic level, work is ongoing in respect of developing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion measures and insights data which align to performance reporting, and also to identify any gaps/additional EDI measures and insights required to evidence the impact of the work that is under way at a national, regional and local level.

SPA is currently undertaking a review of online forms (including equality and diversity) as part of a wider review of SPA digital presence.

PIRC has also introduced a process to collect diversity data which will form part of the information collected in relation to allegations of criminality that are investigated by PIRC. PIRC includes diversity monitoring as part of its recruitment process and work is ongoing with web developers to enable candidates to apply online via their website.


Police Scotland to use staff surveys, meetings and focus groups to understand the experience and impacts of discrimination, prejudice and unconscious bias on all minority groups in the workforce

Police Scotland

In progress

Work on the Your Voice Matters staff survey is nearing completion with the Survey Steering Group and Diversity Network Chairs briefed on high level results. A draft improvement plan has also been developed.


More diverse panels for disciplinary hearings

Police Scotland

In progress

Police Scotland is currently reviewing the existing cadre of chairs and assessors for misconduct proceedings and analysis is being undertaken to establish the diversity of this cadre to ensure diverse panels can be put in place. SPA will ensure, as far as possible, the diversity of Police Appeals Tribunals.


Appropriate support for anyone who is subject to internal or external discrimination

Police Scotland

In progress

Work continues to be progressed and discussion has taken place with Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) in respect of discrimination training for use by Police Scotland.

At a strategic level, work is also ongoing through EDI & HR SOB to engage internal and external stakeholders in shaping positive, effective, sustainable change; providing opportunities for feedback whilst identifying and sharing best practice across the organisation.


Independent review of equality matters within Police Scotland

Police Scotland

In progress

Equality, Diversity, Inclusion & Human Rights (EDI & HR) Independent Reference Group (IRG) established to provide critical oversight, challenge, review and assurance. The IRG has reported to the SPA Board in February and in September 2021, with a final report to the SPA Board anticipated in September 2022. It will provide informed scrutiny of Police Scotland's EDI activity by offering expertise, guidance, critical oversight, challenge, review and assurance on the 3 key areas of Cultural Change; Strategic Direction and Training and Development.

The IRG will engage with members of the EDI & HR SOB and Police Scotland to enhance the identification of risk and provide insight on effective mitigation measures.

Related to this, Police Scotland will develop an improvement plan in response to the recommendations identified in HMICS Inspection Report into Police Scotland's Training and Development - Phase 2 Equality and Diversity.



Police Scotland should develop its diversity data collection and analysis to inform a proper understanding of issues related to discrimination

Police Scotland

In progress

Arrangements for the gathering and storage of diversity complaints data being explored, to include data governance arrangements and system development needs for the storage of PSD diversity data on Police Scotland SCoPE system.

At a strategic level, this links into the work ongoing through EDI & HR SOB to identify any gaps/additional EDI measures and insights.

It also links into the ongoing engagement with internal and external stakeholders in shaping positive, effective, sustainable change; providing opportunities for feedback whilst identifying and sharing best practice across the organisation engaging with Diversity Staff Associations.


PIRC should ensure that discrimination issues are considered as an integral part of their work.



PIRC has prepared an internal guidance document in relation to dealing with allegations of discrimination when undertaking investigations or complaint handling reviews. PIRC has met with Independent Office for Police Conduct diversity team who advised that the PIRC guidance is still current and applicable. Constructive feedback was also received from Police Scotland's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group prior to publication. The document will be utilised by all staff and published on PIRC's website.


Third‑party reporting centres for hate crime, including those representing minority groups, to offer support to complainers.

Police Scotland

In progress

Work is being progressed by Police Scotland's Partnerships, Preventions & Community Wellbeing Division. The action links to wider improvements for third party reporting as per recommendation 6 of HMICS Hate Crime Inspection.

This also links into the work is ongoing through EDI & HR SOB and the EDI Service Delivery Sub Group in relation to Hate Crime.


Police Scotland to analyse complaints data to gain a better understanding of different groups and communities' experience of the police

Police Scotland

In progress

Enhancements required to demographic data recording currently being explored by Police Scotland, working closely with PIRC and SPA. This work is being taken forward jointly by Police Scotland's Professional Standards and People and Development departments.


All Police Scotland officers and staff to receive training on unconscious bias, equality legislation and diversity with refresher courses

Police Scotland

In progress

Unconscious Bias continues to feature throughout Police Scotland Training. Insert for Operational Safety Training on Unconscious Bias in the tactical environment is currently out for consultation with staff associations.

PIRC also continues to undertake work to identify any further appropriate training in this regard. The Senior Management Team have taken part in Unconscious Bias training with PSD and have rolled out an online module to staff.

The following is a list of recommendations within this theme which were signed off by the Ministerial Group as completed and featured in the Thematic Progress Report dated 24 June 2021:

Theme 5: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion cont




Police Scotland to reflect on the culture of the new service, address any long-standing issues and consider how everyone in the organisation can help to change that culture for the better.

Police Scotland



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