
Complaints, investigations and misconduct in policing - implementation of recommendations: thematic progress report – June 2022

Third thematic progress report following publication of the independent review of complaints, investigations and misconduct in policing in Scotland, setting out implementation progress with details of the status and lead responsibility for each recommendation.

Theme 4: Transparency and Accessibility

In this reporting period, a further 3 improvement recommendations have been signed off as completed. This means that all recommendations within this theme have been completed, thus ensuring that information on the complaints system and processes are now more accessible and clearly communicated to all members of the public.

Improvements to information on how to complain

There have been a number of improvements around accessibility for members of the public to the police complaints process, which links with Recommendation 46. Since the last report, COPFS has published additional easily accessible, and suitably prominent, guidance on their external website explaining the option of making a complaint against an off-duty police officer directly to COPFS. A new process has also been introduced for engagement with members of the public who wish to report their criminal allegations against the police direct to COPFS and the signposting of the option for reporting directly to COPFS is now included in the websites, and other publications, published by other partner investigating organisations (Police Scotland, PIRC, SPA). All of this information will be migrated across to the new website as soon as it becomes live. This includes the completion of a new “information capture” form which has been designed so that complainer might provide, and COPFS (Criminal Allegations Against the Police Department) can obtain, sufficient relevant background and detail with regards the substance of a complaint. This means that the complaint can be progressed quickly following appropriate liaison between COPFS, Police Scotland Professional Standards Department and/or PIRC. This recommendation is now considered fully implemented.

Recommendation 48 is aimed at improving and publicising the right to complain, or comment, by displaying posters in police stations and other public buildings. The QR code to access the complaints section of Police Scotland’s website has now been widely publicised and forms part of the publication to be displayed in public buildings with a view to increasing accessibility. The poster has been delivered for distribution across Local Policing Divisions, including third party reporting centres within the community. This recommendation is now considered fully implemented.

Recommendation 49 also relates to improving and publicising the right to complain, focusing on improved accessibility for young persons. Police Scotland has continued to consult with the Youth Parliament on the work being undertaken and outlined at recommendation 48 above. A Youth Hub Section has now been added to Police Scotland’s website to ensure maximum accessibility and this has been endorsed by the Youth Parliament. Cross referencing links have also been added to the FAQ on the Youth Hub section and on the main complaints page making young people’s right to complain clear. This recommendation is now considered fully implemented.

The SPA has also made improvements to the complaints handling page of its website, giving further clarity about the complaints handling process. The improvements include a new online complaints form, incorporating equality and diversity monitoring, as well as providing guidance to complainers on the types of complaints that are both within and outwith SPA’s remit.

Further updates

Details on progress against other recommendations under this theme are set out in the table below:

Theme 4: Transparency and Accessibility - Progress Overview for the period 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022



Publicising avenue to take criminal allegations to COPFS directly



Current Position


Current Position

Since 16 December 2021 COPFS has published additional easily accessible, and suitably prominent, guidance on the COPFS external website explaining the option of making a complaint against an off-duty police officer directly to COPFS. In addition, the signposting of the option for reporting directly to COPFS is now included in the websites, and other publications, published by other partner investigating agencies.



Police Scotland to publicise right to complain


Police Scotland

Current Position


Current Position

The QR code to access the complaints section of Police Scotland’s website has now been widely publicised and forms part of the poster to be displayed in public buildings to increase accessibility. The poster has been delivered for distribution across Local Policing Divisions, including third party reporting centres.



Know your Rights section of the Police Scotland website to be improved


Police Scotland

Current Position


Current Position

Consultation with Scottish Youth Parliament has continued and a new Youth Hub section has been added to Police Scotland’s website making clear young people’s right to complain. And, as noted at recommendation 48, a QR Code was established in October, providing the public with enhanced accessibility to the Police Scotland Complaint Section on the website.

The following is a list of recommendations within this theme which have already been signed off by the Ministerial Group as completed in 2021:

Theme 4: Transparency and Accessibility cont - Signed off by Ministerial Group as completed and reported in the 16 December 2021 Thematic Progress Report



Greater public sharing of SPA Complaints and Conduct Committee work





SPA Complaints and Conduct Committee work to feature in SPA Annual Report and Accounts



Signed off by Ministerial Group as completed and reported in the 24 June 2021 Thematic Progress Report



Publicising recourse beyond PIRC to Scottish Public Services Ombudsman





Police Scotland to simplify navigating complaints process for members of the public


Police Scotland



Police Scotland to adjust "Early intervention" practice to ensure officers are aware of a complaint against them


Police Scotland



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