Building standards - Early Adopters Scheme: compliance handbook

This first edition of the compliance handbook details the compliance plan (CP) approach and provides guidance for use by early adopters (EA) who choose to apply and benefit from the CP approach in building warrant applications before there is a legal requirement to do so.

4. Early Adopters Scheme

4.1 Introduction

An EA Scheme for the new approach to compliance is being introduced for high risk building projects. The Scheme is aimed at owners/developers (Relevant Person) who are legally responsible for compliance within building warrant projects and would like to participate in early trials of the new CP approach.

Participation in the EA Scheme allows the RP benefit from the CP approach in building warrant applications before there is a legal requirement to do so. The Scheme will be used to support the further development of legislation and guidance to develop a nationally consistent CP approach to the delivery of building regulation compliant buildings.

4.2 Trialling the EA Scheme within the current Building Standards System

The CP and CPM fit into the current building warrant system by the CPM acting as a duly authorised agent. By agreement with local authority verifiers the current CCNP will be incorporated into the CP. This is supported by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between BSD and verifiers.

4.3 Projects in Scope

The initial Early Adopter Scheme is aimed solely at new build high risk building (HRB) projects. For this purpose, HRBs are defined as:

  • Domestic buildings or residential buildings with any storey at a height of more than 11 metres above the ground
  • Educational establishments (schools, colleges, and universities), community/sport centres
  • Hospitals
  • Residential care buildings

It is intended to include to conversions, extensions, and alterations in HRBs in a second phase of the EA Scheme.

To take part in the Early Adopter Scheme projects must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Is a new build HRB, as defined above.
  • The initial design has been substantially completed.
  • A main contractor has been or is about to be appointed.
  • The submission for an application for a building warrant is currently being developed or, if by agreement, the project is in the early stages of the building warrant process.
  • There is digital capability available to share the CP with CPM and verifier as a living document.
  • The Project Teams agrees to provide feedback to the Scottish Government to assist with development of the legislation and guidance relating to the new CP approach.

It is envisaged that during this initial launch phase around 6 projects will be considered.

4.4 The Construction Quality Improvement Collaborative (CQIC) website

The EA Scheme is hosted on The Construction Quality Improvement Collaborative (CQIC) website, where you can find all the relevant documents. CQIC is a sector wide campaign for improving construction quality, across Scotland. The CQIC seeks to promote good practice to deliver improved performance which can assist with the strengthening compliance with building standards. The CQIC website is its main outward facing engagement platform, and contains the Construction Quality Charter which is at the heart of the CQIC, and is available at



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