
Private rented housing condition standards: consultation assessment (part two)

Partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) of our consultation on efficiency and condition standards.

8. Implementation and Delivery Plan

Post-implementation review

It may be appropriate that individual changes to the repairing standard, be delivered at different times. As illustrated in the table above, this could range from five to twelve years. Elements such as 'safe and secure common doors' and 'private water supply risk assessments' may be expected within five years but it would seem reasonable that 'thermostatic mixing valves' be installed at the same time as bathroom furniture is due to be replaced - approximately every twelve years. Stakeholders will be involved as the implementation and delivery plan is developed.

Procedures for post implementation review will be determined by the outcome of the consultation, stakeholders views will be considered as these procedures are developed.

The second stage consultation, likely to launch later this year, will go further and consult on condition issues affecting housing generally, across all tenures.


Email: Agnes Meany

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