
A Connected Scotland: our strategy for tackling social isolation and loneliness and building stronger social connections

The Scottish Government’s first national strategy to tackle social isolation and loneliness and build stronger social connections.


Our vision for a Connected Scotland

We want a Scotland where individuals and communities are more connected and everyone has the opportunity to develop meaningful relationships regardless of age, status, circumstances or identity.

Scotland is a country which aspires to be inclusive in all areas of life. We want to build a modern, welcoming nation where everyone has the opportunity to flourish and live a high quality life. The strength of our social relationships and connections has a central role in determining our quality of life. Because of this, we want to help create a Scotland where individuals and communities are more connected, in which everyone has the opportunity to develop meaningful relationships regardless of age, status, circumstance or identity.

Ultimately, change happens on the ground. The Scottish Government has an important role to play in helping create the conditions for change to happen through supporting wellbeing, investing resources in communities, building the infrastructure that enables people to connect, raising awareness and leading debate around the issue, and showing leadership. But we also recognise the power of communities locally to effect change and support individuals, and create a climate where people come together. So we want communities to feel that they can do those things, that they have the tools at their disposal to do so and that any unnecessary barriers preventing them from doing so are removed. Creating and sustaining connected and social communities is the business of everyone – whether you're an individual, a community group or delivering a public service. We are taking steps to tackle social isolation and loneliness not only because it's the right thing to do but because it can help us towards becoming the Scotland we want to be: a more successful country, with opportunities for all to flourish, and a society which treats everyone with kindness, dignity and compassion.


Email: Trevor Owen

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