A Connected Scotland: tackling social isolation and loneliness and building stronger communities

This strategy sets out our vision for a Scotland where everyone has the opportunity to develop meaningful relationships, regardless of age, status, circumstance, or identity.


1. Equal Opportunities Committee. Age and Social Isolation. Scottish Parliament, 2015.
URL: http://www.parliament.scot/S4EqualOpportunitiesCommittee/Reports/EOS042015R05.pdf
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

2. The Scottish Government, A Plan for Scotland 2016 -17: The Government's Programme for Scotland. The Scottish Government, 2016. p.76.
URL: http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0050/00505210.pdf
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

3. These definitions are drawn from the review of Social Isolation and Loneliness prevalence and trends undertaken by NHS Health Scotland.

4. Lin, L. et al. (2016), Association Between Social Media Use And Depression Among U.S. Young Adults. Depress Anxiety, 33: 323-331.
URL, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ggi.12711/full
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18);

Kross E. et al. (2013) Facebook Use Predicts Declines in Subjective Well-Being in Young Adults.
URL, http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0069841
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

5. Lin, L. et al. (2016), Association Between Social Media Use And Depression Among U.S. Young Adults. Depress Anxiety, 33: 323-331.
URL, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ggi.12711/full
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18);

Kross E. et al. (2013) Facebook Use Predicts Declines in Subjective Well-Being in Young Adults.
URL, http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0069841
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

6. Campaign to End Loneliness. Threat to Health.
URL: https://www.campaigntoendloneliness.org/threat-to-health/
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

7. Teuton, J. Social isolation and loneliness in Scotland: a review of prevalence and trends. NHS Health Scotland; 2017.

8. Since this study was commissioned, more recent figures shows that the number of people who don't have a strong sense of belonging to their community is down to 21% (Scottish Household Survey 2016)

9. Our Voice Citizen's Panel (2017). Survey on relationships with health and social care professionals, shared decision making, how loneliness affects people in Scotland, and how well services are working locally. p.46.
URL: https://www.ourvoice.scot/697/documents/1058
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

10. The British Red Cross and the Co-op (2016). Trapped in a Bubble: An Investigation into Triggers for Loneliness in the UK; Antrobus, S. et. al. (2014). Alone in the Crowd: Loneliness and Diversity. The Campaign to End Loneliness and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

11. Carers UK. No one Should Have to Care Alone: Break Isolation.
URL: https://www.carersuk.org/breaking-isolation
(Last accessed: 04/01/18).

12. Samaratins. (2010) Evaluation of Samaritans Emotional Support Services January 2008-January 2010.
URL: https://www.samaritans.org/about-us/our-research/research-report-evaluation-samaritans-emotional-support-services
(Last accessed: 04/01/18).

13. Kearns, A. Loneliness in Glasgow's Deprived Communities. GoWell, 2015.
URL: http://www.gowellonline.com/assets/0000/3722/GoWell_Briefing_Paper_BP_22_Loneliness.pdf
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

14. Health, Social Care and Sport Committee. Inquiry into Loneliness and Isolation. National Assembly for Wales, 2017.
URL: http://www.assembly.wales/laid%20documents/cr-ld11310/cr-ld11310-e.pdf
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

15. Jopling, K. Combatting Loneliness One Conversation at a Time. The Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness, 2017.
URL: https://www.jocoxloneliness.org/pdf/a_call_to_action.pdf
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

16. Voluntary Action Fund. (2017) Social Isolation and Loneliness Fund 2016 - 17 (Voluntary Action Fund),
URL: http://www.voluntaryactionfund.org.uk/funding-and-support/social-isolation-and-loneliness-fund/
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

17. /publications/equality-funding-pecf-2017-2020/

18. /policies/regeneration/community-led-regeneration/

19. http://www.gov.scot/Topics/People/engage/CommunityChoicesFund

20. Ferguson, Z. The Place of Kindness: Combating Loneliness and Building Stronger Communities. Carnegie UK Trust, 2017.
URL: https://www.carnegieuktrust.org.uk/carnegieuktrust/wp-content/uploads/sites/64/2017/07/LOW-RES-3110-Kindness-Overcoming-Risk-Report.pdf
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

21. Payne, S. Mental Health, Poverty and Social Exclusion. PSE UK, 2012.
URL: http://www.poverty.ac.uk/sites/default/files/attachments/Conceptual%20note%20No.%209%20-%20Mental%20Health%20%28Payne%20Dec2012%29.pdf
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

22. /publications/fairer-scotland-action-plan-first-annual-progress-report/documents/00527488.pdf

23. /policies/equality/mainstreaming-equality/

24. /news/realising-realistic-medicine/

25. NHS Health Scotland. Evaluation of the Links Worker Programme in 'Deep End' general practices in Glasgow. NHS Health Scotland, 2016.
URL: http://www.healthscotland.scot/media/1201/27362-evaluation-of-the-links-worker-programme-in-deep-end-general-practices-in-glasgow-07-16.pdf
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

26. Sense. "Someone cares if I'm not there": Addressing loneliness in disabled people .The Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness, 2017. p.34.

27. http://www.parliament.scot/S4_EqualOpportunitiesCommittee/Inquiries/Paths_for_all.pdf

28. http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Education/Schools/HLivi/PSEreview/psereviewdeskstudy

29. http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0052/00527674.pdf

30. The Scottish Government, The Government's Programme for Scotland, p.71, 73, 84.

31. http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2016/12/4404

32. http://www.gov.scot/publications/building-sustainable-social-enterprise-sector-scotland-2017-20//0

33. Scottish Household Survey. Scotland's People: Annual Report 2016. Scottish Government, 2017 p.189,
URL: http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0052/00525075.pdf
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

34. Charities Aid Foundation (2016), A Post-careers Advice Service: Giving People the Tools to Go On Giving, p.10.
URL: https://www.cafonline.org/docs/default-source/about-us-publications/a-post-careers-advice-service-giving-people-the-tools-to-go-on-giving.pdf
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

35. http://www.gov.scot/Topics/People/15300/Localism/VolunteerSupportFund

36. 532 of these volunteers came from a low-income household, 432 were older people and 231 suffered from mental ill health.

37. http://www.fairworkconvention.scot/framework/FairWorkConventionFrameworkFull.pdf

38. Co-op & New Economics Foundation. The Cost of Loneliness to UK Employers. New Economics Foundation, 2017. p. v.

39. Kearns, A. Loneliness in Glasgow's Deprived Communities. p. 7.

40. Anderson, S. Between Kith and Kin and Formal Services. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

41. http://www.befriending.co.uk/assets/downloads/publications/wemwbs_study_report_-final_(with_covers).pdf

42. Janet Morisson. (2017) Loneliness is Everyone's Business (Campaign to End Loneliness),
URL: https://www.campaigntoendloneliness.org/blog/loneliness-is-everyones-business/
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

43. Sinclair, S. The Deep End Advice Worker Project: embedding an advice worker in general practice settings. Glasgow Centre for Population Health, 2017.

44. Contact a Family. Forgotten Families: The impact of isolation on families with disabled children across the UK. Contact a Family, 2011.
URL, https://contact.org.uk/media/381636/forgotten_isolation_report.pdf
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

45. Campaign to End Loneliness. Threat to Health.
URL: https://www.campaigntoendloneliness.org/threat-to-health/
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).

46. NHS Health Scotland, Social prescribing for mental health: guidance paper. NHS Health Scotland, 2016. p.7

47. Thomson, L. J., Camic, P. M. and Chatterjee, H. J. Social Prescribing: A Review of Community Referral Schemes. London: University College London, 2015.

48. Lin, L. et al. (2016), Association Between Social Media Use And Depression Among U.S. Young Adults. Depress Anxiety, 33: 323-331.
URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ggi.12711/full
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18);

Kross E. et al. (2013) Facebook Use Predicts Declines in Subjective Well-Being in Young Adults.
URL: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0069841
(Last Accessed: 04/01/18).


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