
A Connected Scotland: tackling social isolation and loneliness and building stronger communities

This strategy sets out our vision for a Scotland where everyone has the opportunity to develop meaningful relationships, regardless of age, status, circumstance, or identity.

Taking action and measuring change

The Strategy aims to set the context for activity in this area, but we also need to ensure that it translates into real change for people. We want everyone to take action for the short, medium and long term to reduce social isolation and loneliness, and build a more connected Scotland.

Question 24: Taking into account answers to questions elsewhere, is there anything else we should be doing that doesn't fall into any of these categories?

In taking forward the implementation of the Strategy, we want to be able to measure ourselves against ambitious outcomes and clear indicators to demonstrate progress. We have set out a framework for this on page 24 as a starting point.

Question 25: Do you agree with the framework we have created to measure our progress in tackling social isolation and loneliness?

Question 26: Is there anything missing from this framework that you think is important for us to consider?


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