Conservation of salmon consultation and consultation analysis: data protection impact assessment

A data protection impact assessment (DPIA) to consider and assess any potential privacy impacts that may be experienced during the consultation on Salmon fishing: proposed river gradings for the 2025 season, and consultation analysis of the responses.

5. Stakeholder analysis and consultation

5.1 Stakeholders

Group – Responding individuals

Interest – Data subjects. They are self-selecting respondents to the consultation.

Group – Responding organisations

Interest – Data subjects. They are self-selecting respondents to the consultation.

Group – Scottish Government (cross-divisional involvement)

Interest – Funder. Evaluation. Governance.

Group – Policy team

Interest – The policy lead is the Consultation Manager.

Group – Digital Engagement Team

Interest – Management of Citizen Space online platform on which all consultation responses will be submitted.

5.2 Method used to consult with these groups when making the DPIA

Internally through email. Externally through email and in their consultation responses, see Annexes for the wording provided to the various groups during the run up to and publication of the consultation.

5.3 Data protection issues identified by these groups during consultation

Not applicable.

5.4 Method used to communicate the outcomes of the DPIA

Not applicable.



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