
Consideration of climatic factors within Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

Guidance on the consideration of climatic factors within Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), developed by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA).


Key messages for Scotland

• By 2050, Scotland is likely to have hotter, drier summers and warmer, wetter winters.

• By 2080 summer temperatures in Scotland could increase by more than 3ºC if emissions continue at their present rate.

• Snowfall could also reduce by 60 per cent or more in the mountains, and might stop completely in some parts of Scotland.

6.1 Observed and predicted climate change in Scotland may lead to a range of impacts and consequences. Figure 5 below summarises these, while Appendix 1 provides further details about anticipated impacts and consequences.

Figure 5 - Illustration of the climate trends and the potential social, economic and environmental impacts and consequences (adapted from UKCIP)

Figure 5 - Illustration of the climate trends and the potential social, economic and environmental impacts and consequences (adapted from UKCIP)

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