
Construction capability assessment tool: CPN 1/2022

Construction policy note (CPN) highlighting the launch of our construction capability assessment tool (CCAT). The CCAT is a self-assessment tool designed to assist public contracting authorities understand how they are positioned to deliver construction projects.


This Construction Policy Note (CPN) highlights the launch of our construction capability assessment tool (CCAT). The CCAT is a self-assessment tool designed to assist public contracting authorities understand how they are positioned to deliver construction projects.

Key message

The CCAT is now available for use by public contracting authorities.

Target audience

This note is intended for all organisations that procure construction projects, whether occasionally or frequently.


The Review of Scottish Public Sector Procurement in Construction highlighted that if an organisation is to improve its performance then it must understand the expertise which it has at its disposal. It also recommended that a tool be developed to help organisations assess and improve their ability to procure publicly funded construction projects. The CCAT does that and offers the opportunity for contracting authorities to understand their capability and capacity and gaps between that and the requirement.

In 2019 we launched our initial pilot of the CCAT. The first draft of the tool was completed by a number of organisations and CPN 3/2019 highlighted this. As a result of the pilot process, the CCAT was redrafted to reflect the feedback gained. The redrafted version was tested again with the pilot group in October 2021 prior to finalisation.


The CCAT is a self-assessment tool which aims to encourage reflection and discussion within organisations. It is designed to help organisations understand the size and complexity of projects that they are capable of delivering within their current organisational set up. It also helps reflect on what, if any, additional resource or expertise might be required when delivering specific projects.

The tool consists of 65 questions which are designed to help prompt debate and reflection about how construction projects are delivered within organisations. These questions are divided into six sections:

  • project management
  • Fair Work First and Fair Payment
  • project and quality assurance
  • sustainability and community benefits
  • procurement strategy
  • continuous improvement

There is space below each question to outline how your organisation does or does not meet the criteria of the question. An ‘Actions/Further Comments’ column is provided to allow you to reflect on your observations and set out what actions are required to address any gaps identified.

Throughout the CCAT there are references to guidance from the Client Guide to Construction Projects, Construction Policy Notes and Scottish Procurement Policy Notes. This is to highlight relevant guidance for the conduct and procurement of construction projects. This will also provide a context to consider when responding to questions.

There is a short section at the beginning of the CCAT to record organisation details. Version control can also be tracked to manage different iterations of the CCAT for your organisation.

It is recommended that organisations using the CCAT complete it at least once. It should be reviewed as appropriate but certainly prior to commencing any construction projects.

The CCAT has been devised purely as a self-evaluation tool. It is not required or expected to be returned to the Construction Procurement Policy Unit. It should be retained internally within your organisation.

We will review the CCAT annually to ensure that it reflects the current construction project and procurement environment.

If you wish to have a copy of the CCAT, please contact

Dissemination and contact

Please bring this construction policy note to the attention of all those involved in the procurement of construction projects. 



Construction Procurement Policy Unit
The Scottish Government
3B South, Victoria Quay
Telephone: 0131 244 8492

Webpages: Construction Procurement

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