Construction manual – project initiation and business case handbook: CPN 4/2019

This Construction Policy Note (CPN) provides advance publication of further elements of the project initiation and business case handbook.


1. This Construction Policy Note (CPN) provides advance publication of further elements of the project initiation and business case handbook. This is handbook one and forms part of the new construction manual. It includes guidance on business cases, stakeholder engagement and risk.

Key message

2. New guidance is available to assist contracting authorities successfully deliver construction projects.

Target audience

3. This note is intended for all those contracting authority staff involved in the planning and delivery of public works projects.


 4. This note publishes the project initiation and business case handbook (handbook one) of the construction manual.  It covers the following specific areas:

  • Chapter 3 – Client team roles and responsibilities
  • Chapter 4 – Business cases and appraisal
  • Chapter 5 – Project initiation route map
  • Chapter 6 – Stakeholder engagement
  • Chapter 7 – Risk
  • Chapter 8 – Community benefits
  • Chapter 9 – Fair payment
  • Chapter 10 – Project bank accounts
  • Chapter 11 – Whole life costs
  • Chapter 12 - BIM
  • Chapter 13 - Project assurance
  • Chapter 14 - Quality assurance

5. Chapters 1 and 2 of the project initiation and business case handbook were published in CPN 2/2019. Further information and handbook two of the construction manual are available on the Construction Procurement webpages.


6. Please bring this Construction Procurement Note to the attention of all those staff involved in the procurement or delivery of construction activities.


Construction Procurement Policy Unit
Scottish Government
Victoria Quay

: 0131 244 8492


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