
Construction capability assessment – request for participation in pilot process: CPN 3/2019

This Construction Policy Note provides information about a pilot the Scottish Government is conducting on Construction Capability Assessment (CCA).


1. The Scottish Government is conducting a pilot Construction Capability Assessment (CCA). This Construction Policy Note encloses a draft copy of the CCA. As part of the pilot, we would encourage recipients to carry out the assessment and submit comments, to inform the development of the finalised process.

Key message

2. A draft Construction Capability Assessment has been developed and this is enclosed for comment and testing.

Target audience

3. This pilot process is aimed at contracting authorities who procure construction works of any size or value.

Pilot Process

4. The Review of Scottish Public Sector Procurement in Construction noted that if an organisation is to improve its performance and ensure that it deploys the right skill set, it needs to understand the expertise it has at its disposal, and the baseline from which it must improve.

5. The review went on to recommend that a system be developed to adequately assesses, report on and help improve an organisation’s ability to procure publicly funded construction. The draft questionnaire attached is our first step in developing this process.

6. The question set is a word document that is attached to this policy note at Annex A. It comprises 47 construction capability questions across five subject headings:

  • Construction team
  • Fair payment
  • Project assurance
  • Procurement strategy
  • Continuous improvement

7. The questions are a mix of closed (yes or no) and open (free text box). Key to the process is the reflection and discussion which the questions are designed to stimulate and the consequent positive impact on policies and procedures that is designed to have. There is also a short section at the beginning to capture details of the organisation and three questions to feedback on the pilot process itself. Further instructions are contained within the pilot question set.

8. We would be grateful if contracting authorities could signal their intention to participate in the pilot process by the 24 May 2019, with all returns due back by 30 June 2019.  In the meantime if you have any questions about the process please contact John McLean on 0131 244 8492.


9. Please bring this construction procurement note to the attention of all those staff involved in the procurement of construction works.

CPN 3/2019: Construction Capability Assessment pilot


If you have any questions about this CPN please contact:

Construction Procurement Policy Unit
Scottish Government
Victoria Quay
Phone: 0131 244 8492

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