
Consultation on Affordable Rented Housing: Analysis of Consultation Responses

Analysis of consultation responses to a Scottish Government consultation "Affordable Rented Housing: Creating flexibility for landlords and better outcomes for communities". The report summarises the key themses and highlights the range of views expressed.

Annex 1 - Consultation Document

Respondent Information form available in word format (143k)

Sending us your response

We need to know how you wish us to handle your response and whether you are happy for us to make your response public. Please make sure you complete the Respondent Information Form (RIF) at the beginning of the consultation questions. Your comments will still be taken into account if you ask us not to publish your response. Please reply by email to:

Or alternatively by post:

Social Housing Team
Scottish Government
Area 1-H South
Victoria Quay

You can also get involved in the consultation through Facebook and Twitter:

The closing date for responses is 30 April 2012.


Email: Alix Rosenberg

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