
Fishing - additional quota allocation - 2021: consultation analysis

This document provides an analysis of responses and outcome to the ‘Consultation on the allocation of Additional Quota for 2021’.

Section 1 – executive summary

This document provides an analysis of responses and outcome to the 'Consultation on the allocation of Additional Quota for 2021'. A copy of the consultation can be found at: Fish - additional quota allocation 2021: consultation - Scottish Government - Citizen Space.

The consultation sought views on how Additional Quota apportioned to Scotland should be allocated in 2021.

Summary of responses

There were 69 responses to the consultation. The responses represented a range of stakeholders: those whose living is dependent on fishing, environmental groups, fishermen's organisations, businesses associated with the industry and interested individuals. A range of viewpoints were returned on each of the questions in the consultation document.


Following consideration of responses to the consultation, objectives for the use of quota, criteria set out in the UK Fisheries Act 2020 and other relevant factors (such as the outcome of the TCA and the fact we are nearly a quarter of the way through the quota year), the Scottish Government for 2021 will:

  • Allocate the greater share of Additional Quota on the basis of historic track record for the reference period 2015-2019, to vessels active as of 1 January 2021.
  • Allocate a portion of Additional Quota to the non-sector.

The allocation of Additional Quota, as outlined above, will deliver the fishing opportunity to the active industry, help to reduce business costs and allow for the diversification of fishing opportunity.

Further details are set out below and will follow in updated Scottish Quota Management Rules.



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