
Fish - additional quota allocation 2021: consultation

A consultation on how additional Scottish quota we expect to receive as a result of the UK becoming an independent Coastal State is allocated in 2021.

3. Future of Fisheries Management

Through the Future of Fisheries Management initiative, the Scottish Government is setting out its approach for the management of sea fisheries. This work has already seen the publication of a Future of Fisheries Management Discussion Document in March 2019, a subsequent summary of stakeholder responses, Policy Intent Paper and Strategy Document which sets out our vision for delivering responsible and sustainable fisheries management.

In the Future of Fisheries Management Discussion Document, we stated that at least 50% of Additional Quota should be distributed via a different mechanism than FQA units.  In stakeholder responses received, though there was no agreement on the proportion of Additional Quota to be allocated outside of the FQA system, there was agreement that a proportion should be allocated differently in order to support key priorities[7].

Our Policy Intent Paper states that we will work with stakeholders to develop options for allocating Additional Quota opportunities differently.  This includes focusing on the active fishing fleet and issuing calls for quota which would be considered on a case-by-case basis.  

Due to the significant uncertainty over the UK’s quota share for 2021, and limited time available, we have set out specific arrangements for 2021 only in this consultation, with a view to consult fully next year on allocation options for subsequent years.  Quota will continue to be either allocated by Marine Scotland to Producer Organisations or Scottish Quota Management Groups (so-called “Sectoral Groups”) at the beginning of the quota management year and the uptake managed by Sectoral Groups or, for the remaining vessels, the allocation and uptake of quota will continue to be managed by Marine Scotland (through so-called non-sector pools).

Further work on the examination of quota holdings and quota utilisation will follow during the course of next year, which will help inform longer term allocations of Additional Quota.



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