
Open space strategies regulations and play sufficiency assessments regulations - drafts: consultation analysis

The public consultation on draft Open Space Strategies regulations and draft play sufficiency assessment regulations ran between 17 December 2021 to 31 March 2022. This report presents the analysis of the consultation responses received by the Scottish Government from stakeholders.


1. Excluding duplicate and blank responses.

2. Five respondents to the CYP survey entered ages considerably older than school age, for example 55 years old. As these respondents completed the Primary school age surveys, it has been assumed that these ages are those of adults responding to the survey on behalf of a child or young person.

3. Total does not always sum to 100 due to rounding.

4. Three individual respondents and one group respondent left the 'school' field blank. As they completed the Primary school age survey, it is assumed that these were Primary school age respondents.



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