Draft guidance for children's rights and services planning in Scotland: consultation analysis

Guidance on Children's Rights (Part 1, section 2) and Children's Services Planning (Part 3) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.


1. Available at: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2014/8/pdfs/asp_20140008_en.pdf

2. As deemed by the analyst

3. A relatively small proportion to the number of responses obtained primarily due to the designated response format in the online response form

4. None of the responses were categorised as 'to an extent' by the analyst.

5. For example, those with disabilities or those part of the LGBT community etc.

6. As deemed by the analyst.

7. As deemed by the analyst

8. As deemed by the analyst.

9. Note: only half of all the public body respondents answered this particular question

10. As deemed by the analyst

11. Such as: Integrated Joint Boards, NHS Local Delivery targets, Children's Improvement Programmes, Care Inspectorate, Re-aligning Children's Services Programme, and The Community Empowerment Act (Scotland) 2015

12. As deemed by the analyst.

13. None of the responses were categorised as 'to an extent' by the analyst

14. None of the responses were categorised as 'to an extent' by the analyst

15. None of the responses were categorised as 'to an extent' by the analyst

16. None of the responses were categorised as 'to an extent' by the analyst


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