
Scottish Crown Estate draft strategic management plan: consultation analysis

Analysis of the responses received to the consultation on the draft Strategic Management Plan for the Scottish Crown Estate.


1. Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland Report.

2. National Islands Plan, December 2019.

3. This relates to a duty relating to situations where a manager is disposing of the ownership of all or part of an asset, granting a lease or giving any other right in or over an asset.

4. Natural heritage/conservation organisations did not answer the closed question but provided wider commentary.

5. The bullet points typically reflect individual comments.

6. One response from a respondent that did not provide a "yes" or "no" answer to Question 7 has been included.

7. Including those respondents who did not answer the closed question (Question 10).

8. This includes a response from a respondent that did not provide an answer to the closed question (i.e. Question 13).

9. Note: one respondent reported that this subject was not within its



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