
Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000 statutory guidance: consultation analysis report

Summary of responses to the consultation on draft statutory guidance on amendments to the Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000.

Annex A: List Of Respondents

43 responses in total were received for this consultation. Of that number, the following 29 organisations and 9 individuals responded to the consultation and were willing for their responses to be made public. 5 other responses were received though those respondents requested that theirs should not be published.


Anonymous x 7
Jane Carson
Lynne McNiven


Aberdeen City Council
Aberdeenshire Council
Angus Council
Campsie View School
Child Poverty Action Group Scotland
Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland
Children in Scotland
City of Edinburgh Council
East Dunbartonshire Council
East Renfrewshire Council
The Educational Institute of Scotland
Falkirk Council
Heathhall Primary School
Inverclyde Council
Moray Council
National Deaf Children's Society
National Parent Forum of Scotland
North Ayrshire Council
Perth & Kinross Council
Renfrewshire Council
Save the Children
Scottish Parent Teacher Council
Shetland Islands Council
South Lanarkshire Council
West Lothian Council
Who Cares? Scotland
YouthLink Scotland


Email: Hazel Crawford

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