
Restricting promotions of food and drink high in fat, sugar, or salt: consultation analysis

Independent analysis of the responses to the consultation on proposals to restrict promotions of food and drink high in fat, sugar, or salt.


1. Located in airports having gone through security checks.

2. See Guidance: Local regulation: Primary Authority

3. Scottish Government (2020) The Scottish Health Survey 2019 edition | volume 1 | main report

4. Scottish Government (2012) Scottish Health Survey – topic report: equality groups

5. Scottish Government (2020) The Scottish Health Survey 2019 | supplementary tables

6. Food Standards Scotland (2020) Situation Report: Changes to shopping and eating behaviours in Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020

7. Food Standards Scotland (2020) Estimation of food and nutrient intakes from food purchase data in Scotland between 2001 and 2018 – full report

8. Including individuals, organisations and organisation type.

9. (1) No blank responses and no duplicate responses were present. (2) There were no campaign responses. (3) There were low numbers where it was evident that respondents had 'conferred' and submitted similar response wording. These responses were kept on the basis that they were submitted to represent different organisations and it was deemed reasonable for different organisations with similar interests to submit consistent responses.

10. For example: restaurant, fast food outlet, coffee shop

11. This category included a variety of organisations such as professional bodies, academics and a regulator.

12. A 'symbol group' is a form of franchise of convenience shops. While they do not own or run the shop(s), they act as a supplier to independent shops which trade under their brand.

13. A 'shell' company is one that exists only on paper with no physical office or employees. It may have a bank account or hold investments or own assets.

14. A Primary Authority enables a business to form a legal partnership with one local authority to receive tailored advice on complying with environmental health, trading standards or fire safety regulations that other local regulators must respect. See the UK Government website: Guidance: Local regulation: Primary Authority



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