
School leaver destinations and personal skills development: consultation analysis

Analysis of consultation on the proposal to record all school leavers undertaking personal skills development as being in a positive destination in a new category in school leaver destination statistics.

3. Consultation findings

3.1 Background information

Of the 31 people responding, 29 per cent responded as an individual, and 71 per cent on behalf of a group or organisation. Of those responding on behalf of organisations, the majority were from local government (89%).

3.2 Proposed changes to the school leaver destinations

Respondents were asked if they agree with the proposal for Scottish Government to record all school leavers undertaking Personal Skills Development as being in a positive destination in a new category. All of the respondents (100%) agreed with the proposal.

Respondents who supported the proposal stated that this recognises the benefits and positivity of pupils undertaking Personal Skills Development, while providing greater continuity and eliminating individual interpretation in reporting leaver destination.



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