Registering Ayrshire Early New Potatoes/Ayrshire Earlies under the EU Protected Food Name (PFN) Scheme: consultation

Consultation to register as a product of protected geographical indication under the EU Protected Food Name Scheme.

List of Consultees

5 Legal Deposit Libraries

Aberdeen City Council
Aberdeenshire Council
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
Albert Bartlett
Alyn Smith MEP
Angus Council
Ardneil Farm
Argyll and Bute Council

Best Fruit Co
British Hospitality Association
British Library
British Potato Trade Association
British Retail Consortium

Campden and Chorleywood Food Research
Castlehill Farm
Catherine Stihler MEP
City of Edinburgh Council
Clackmannanshire Council
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Confederation of British Industry's Scotland
Consumer Focus Scotland
Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
Craft Guild of Chef's

David Coburn MEP
David Martin MEP
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for Northern Ireland
Dowhill Farm
Dumfries and Galloway Council
Dundee City Council

East Ayrshire Council
East Dunbartonshire Council
East Lothian Council
East Renfrewshire Council
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee

Falkirk Council
Farmcare Trading Ltd
Federation of Chefs
Federation of Small Businesses
Fife Council
Food & Drink Federation
Food Division - Welsh Government
Food Standards Agency
Food Standards Scotland
Fresh Fruit Produce Consortium
Fresh Potato Suppliers Association
Fresh Suppliers Association

Girvan Early Growers
Glasgow City Council

Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Highland Council

Ian Duncan MEP
Ian Hudghton MEP
Intellectual Property Office
Institute of Hospitality
Inverclyde Council

Low Boydston Farm

Marks and Spencer
Midlothian Council
Moray Council

National Farmer's Retail & Markets Association
North Ayrshire Council
North Lanarkshire Council

Orkney Islands Council

Perth and Kinross Council
Pre-Basic Growers
Provision Trade Federation

Renfrewshire Council

Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture
Scotland Food & Drink
Scotland's Rural College
Scottish Borders Council
Scottish Council for Development and Industry
Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Food and Drink Federation
Scottish Food Guide
Scottish Food Quality Certification
Scottish Government Library
Scottish Grocers Federation
Scottish Natural Heritage
Scottish Parliament Information Centre Library
Scottish Retail Consortium
Shetland Islands Council
South Ayrshire Council
South Ayrshire Council Environmental Health
South Lanarkshire Council
Stirling Council

The Crown Estate
The Guild of Fine Food Retailers
The Patent Office
The UK Protected Food Names Association


West Dunbartonshire Council
West Lothian Council


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