
Aquaculture - fish farms: containment of and prevention of escape of fish - draft code of practice - consultation

This consultation seeks views on an Aquaculture Code of Practice: Containment of and Prevention of Escape of Fish on Fish Farms in relation to Marine Mammal Interactions.

Executive Summary

This consultation seeks views on an Aquaculture Code of Practice: Containment of and Prevention of Escape of Fish on Fish Farms in relation to Marine Mammal Interactions.

We are seeking views on the following questions:

1. Do you support the introduction of the Code?

2. Do you have any comments on the content of the Code including the enforceable measures?

3. Do you have any comments on the associated forms for reporting mitigation measures, including acoustic deterrent devices, and reporting of any incidental bycatch of marine mammals?

4. Do you have any information in relation to the questions contained in the partial BRIA on the potential socio-economic and environmental impacts that may be incurred from implementing the Code?



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