
Bovine TB compensation arrangements: consultation responses

Summary of consultation responses on proposals to change compensation arrangements and update the Tuberculosis (Scotland) Order 2007.

2. Breakdown of respondent information

Proposed Changes

In Question 1 respondents were asked whether the amount of compensation paid to the owner of an animal illegally moved onto a TB restricted herd that subsequently went onto become a TB reactor, should be either reduced or withheld completely.

Total number of responses to Q1 and % of overall total number received Yes No Don't Know No response
14 (93%) 11 3 0 1(7%)
% of responses received to this question 78.5% 21.5% 0% -

In Question 2 respondents that had answered YES to Question 1 were asked whether the compensation payments should be reduced or withheld completely.

Total number of responses to Q2 and % of overall total number received Reduced Withheld Don't Know No response
11 (73%) 1 10 0 4(27%)
% of responses received to this question 9% 91% 0% -

In Question 3 respondents were asked where an owner/keeper has failed to meet their statutory testing obligations, whether the amount of compensation paid for any animals that were subsequently disclosed as TB reactors, should be either reduced on a sliding scale determined by the length of time the test is delayed or just withheld completely.

Total number of responses to one or more parts of Q3 and % of overall total number received Yes No Don't Know % of total consultation responses received to this part of question No response
14 (93% ) Y N 1(7%)
Reduced by a fixed amount 2 5 0 28.5% 71.5% -
Reduced on a sliding scale 11 0 0 100% 0% -
Withheld completely 3 7 0 30% 70% -

In Question 4 respondents were asked whether they thought that in order to maintain our current low levels of TB and to safeguard our Officially TB Free status that we needed to tighten up the rules on post movement testing.

Total number of responses to Q4 and % of overall total number received Yes No Don't know No response
14(93%) 14 0 0 1(7%)
% of responses received to this question 100% 0% 0% -

In Question 5 respondents were asked if they had answered Yes to Question 4 which of the following options they thought would be most appropriate and effective.

Total number of responses to Q5 and % of overall total number received Yes No % of responses received to this question Not answered
14(93%) 1(7%)
Option 1 – Introduce at statutory obligation on the seller to inform the purchaser and APHA if a required Post Movement test was still outstanding 1 0 7% -
Option 2 – Require that Post Movement testing is completed on original holding of destination before animal is permitted to move again 13 0 93% -

In Question 6 respondents were asked whether Scotland should introduce a compensation cap of £5,000 to ensure consistency with the rest of the UK.

Total number of responses to Q6 and % of overall total number received Yes No Don't Know No response
15(100%) 9 3 3 0
% of responses received to this question 60% 20% 20% 0%

In Question 7 respondents were asked whether they thought that Scottish Government should introduce an automatic justification threshold for cattle valuations in Scotland similar to the £3,000 threshold applied in Wales.

Total number of responses to Q7 and % of overall total number received Yes No Don't Know No Response
15 (100%) 4 5 6 0
% of responses received to this question 27% 33% 40% 0%

Business Impact

In Question 8 respondents were asked what financial effects, if any, that the payment of either reduced or no compensation in such circumstances described in the consultation, would have on their business.

This is a "free text" question which does not allow for an exact quantitative collation of answers. Answers have therefore been broadly grouped into the follow categories.

Total number of responses to Q8 and % of overall total number received Little or No Impact Possible High Impact Not applicable No Response
10 (67%) 3 2 5 5 (33%)
% of responses received to this question 30% 20% 50%

Question 9 respondents were asked what financial effects, if any, that the introduction of a £5,000 statutory cap on compensation payments would have on their business.

This is a "free text" question which does not allow for an exact quantitative collation of answers. Answers have therefore been broadly grouped into the follow categories.

Total number of responses to Q8 and % of overall total number received Little or No Impact Possible High Impact Not applicable No Response
9 (60%) 4 1 4 6 (40%)
% of responses received to this question 44.5% 11% 44.5%


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