
Building standards enforcement and sanctions: consultation outcome report

Consultation outcome report on the strengthening of existing enforcement and sanctions provisions in the Building (Scotland) Act 2003.

10. Impact assessments and other impacts

The consultation included three further questions addressing the potential impact of the proposals on people with protected characteristics, businesses and island communities.

Q10 asked - Are there any proposals in this consultation which you consider impact or have implications on people with protected characteristics?

A majority of most groups felt that the proposals did not impact people with protected characteristics. Overall, 53% felt they did not, 12% that they did, and 15% were unsure or did not answer. Opinion varied among organisations; while all commercial organisations and 67% of local authorities felt there should be no impact, 86% of professional organisations were unsure or did not answer.

Q11 asked - Do you think that any of the proposals in this consultation have any financial, regulatory or resource implications for you and/or your business (if applicable)?

Opinions on whether the proposals could impact businesses varied. Overall, 53% felt there could be an impact, 26% did not, and 21% were unsure or did not answer. While 44% of individuals thought there could be wider implications, this rose to 60% of organisations. Local authorities were notably more likely to believe there would be an impact (73%).

Q12 asked - Do you think that any of the proposals in this consultation have any impact or implications on island communities?

Most respondents were unsure about the implications for island communities (49%) or did not answer (7%). Just over one in ten individuals (11%) and organisations (12%) thought there could be an impact, though organisations were more likely to say they were unsure or not answer (68%).

Scottish Government response

Partial impact assessments were carried out in the development of the policy. Scottish Government will now take into consideration views on impacts as part of the final impact assessment.

Details on the issues raised are available in the consultation analysis report available on the Scottish Government consultation website. Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space



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