
Children's services planning: provision of statutory guidance - consultation

We wish to consult whether the content, scope and format of the statutory guidance is still helpful and fit for purpose.

Consultation: Children's Services Planning - Provision of Statutory Guidance


The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, placed a requirement on Local Authorities and Health Boards to present evidence to the Scottish Government in a Children Services Plan which clearly sets out and demonstrates the actions planned, taken and delivered to improve outcomes for our children and young people in their area. The first statutory Children Service's Plans were submitted to the Scottish Government in March 2017.

Why we are consulting

In advance of the next reporting cycle, and to support the programme of strategic engagement with local children's services partners, the Scottish Government wishes to formally consult to test whether the content, scope and format of the statutory guidance is still helpful, fit for purpose or whether this should be modified, amended or improved to further enhance and build on the support available. The consultation is available here:

The responses to this consultation will be analysed and collated with the findings and advice being submitted to Scottish Ministers for consideration. The consultation will close on 17 June 2019. If you have any questions about the consultation please contact Rab Mackay on 0131 244 8055 or email C&

Consultation questions

1. Does the statutory guidance provided to date assist in the effective development of a Children Services Plan?

Yes / No

2. What part(s) of the guidance were most helpful or least helpful? How could the guidance be enhanced to strengthen the effective development of a Children's Services Plan?

3. Does the statutory guidance provide sufficient advice on how widely you should consult in advance of developing a Children Service Plan?

Yes No

How could the guidance be improved to enable effective consultation and engagement with local stakeholders during the preparation of a Children's Services Plan?

4. Do you agree that the guidance supports, enhances and strengthens
inter-agency collaboration?

Yes / No

How could the guidance be enhanced to emphasise the importance of multi/inter agency integrated collaboration in the preparation of the Plan and the delivery of services?

5. Does the statutory guidance support practitioners and staff in delivering the contents of the Children Service Plan?

Yes No

How could the statutory guidance be enhanced to enable the Plan to support practitioners and operational managers deliver the local priorities and actions?


Email: C&

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