Disability assistance in Scotland: consultation - easy read

A consultation on disability assistance in Scotland in easy read format.

Moving to the New System

A picture of a young boy with an arrow pointing to a picture of him as a grown man.

There will be three types of Disability Assistance for different ages: young people, working age people and older people.

Too many changes at once would make creating the new system complicated and people might not get paid correctly or on time. We must make sure payments continue to be made on time when benefits change.

Some of the changes we have planned:

A man is talking to another man who has a name tag on his shirt.


  • Social Security Scotland will deliver assessments.
  • Assessments will look at each person's own situation.
  • People will have a choice over the day and time of their assessment. Home visits will be available.
  • We will collect information which supports an application and will let people know what will support a claim.
  • We want to reduce reassessments.

A man and woman are sitting at a table, which has lots of pieces of paper on it. The woman is asking the man to pick one of the pieces of paper and he is pointing at one of them.

A man is holding a piece of paper and reading what is written on it.

After the assessments:

  • People will get a copy of the assessment report with their decision letter
  • We will explain how we made the decision and what information we used

An application form with a pound sign next to it.


  • The application process for Disability Assistance will be easy to use.
  • We will make sure that all communication and information is clear and easy to understand.

A diverse group of young people.

Young People 16-18:

  • We will give children and young people Disability Assistance up to the age of 18 if they get the benefit before they turn 16. This means that people will not have to apply for a new benefit when they are moving between child and adult services.

An ill man lying in a hospital bed, with an intravenous drip going into his arm.

Terminal Illness:

  • Under special rules a terminally ill person's application will be handled more quickly so they can get the highest level of award they are entitled to.
  • Medical staff can decide when a person can claim under these special rules.

A man is standing next to another man who is speaking for him.

Advocacy Services:

  • Disabled people will have a right to independent advocacy.
  • We are developing 'advocacy service standards'.

A hand pointing to a book of pictures and symbols.

Accessible Communication:

  • We will communicate with people in a way they can understand.

A calendar.

We want to make changes as soon as we can. But we have to take time to do things properly, to make sure that people are paid the right money at the right time.

An application form with a ‘thumbs up’ symbol next to it.

We will make sure that applying for Disability Assistance is as easy as it can be. We want to make sure that the whole process is clear and that people understand how and when we will deal with their claim.


Email: disabilitybenefitsconsultation@gov.scot

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