
Consultation on the Draft British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan 2017-2023: EasyRead version

We are seeking views on improving public services for BSL users.

Early Years

Goal Two: Children in their Early Years

Families and carers of Deaf or Deafblind children will be given information about BSL and services for Deaf people. They will also be offered training in signing to children.

Family on a couch

Scottish Ministers will reach these goals by doing the following:

8. Make sure information is given about BSL and Deaf culture for new parents whose baby is diagnosed as deaf.

Information panflet

9. Promise to give support for families and carers with D/deaf and Deafblind children age 0-5 years old to learn BSL.

10. Make sure that families of D/deaf and Deafblind children have access to BSL support and information.

Support Plan

11. Make sure that all children can have happy play experiences.

12. Give information and access to early years services for parents who use BSL.

Child Playing with a doll in a pram

13. Look at the best ways of bringing together children who use BSL.

Goal Two: Children in their Early Years


Do you think these are the right goals?

Two people voicing their answer


Check box


Check box

Please tell us why?

Person thinking

Is there anything else you want to tell us about Children in their Early Years goals?

Person asking a question


Email: Hilary Third

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