
Consultation on the Draft British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan 2017-2023: EasyRead version

We are seeking views on improving public services for BSL users.


Goal Five: Employment

BSL users will have the same access to work opportunities as everyone else.

Job Centre

Scottish Ministers will reach these goals by:

25. Making sure BSL users have the same access to employment schemes as everyone else

26. From April 2018, start a new Scottish employability programme. The programme will support BSL users to find work and stay in work.

Work Policy

BSL users will get help and support so they can stay in work and get promoted if that is the job they want to do

Scottish Ministers will reach these goals by:

Welcome to your new job

27. BSL users can use the Scottish Government support service for a year after they start their job.

28. Staff who work in employment services will work with specialist employment support staff to tackle barriers BSL users face in the workplace.

Two men shaking hands

29. We will promote the Department for Work and Pensions ( DWP) and Access to Work ( ATW) to employers and BSL users.

Goal Five: Employment


Do you think these are the right goals?

Two people voicing their answer


Check box


Check box

Please tell us why?

Person thinking

Is there anything else you want to tell us about Employment goals?

Person asking a question


Email: Hilary Third

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