
Consultation on the Draft British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan 2017-2023: EasyRead version

We are seeking views on improving public services for BSL users.

Health, Mental Health + Social Care

Goal Six: Health and Mental Health and Social Care

BSL users will have access to information they need to live as healthy and active a life as they want to. They will also be able to make informed decisions that affect their lives.

Two panflets reading 'epilepsy' and 'look after your heart'

Scottish Ministers will reach their goals by:

30. Making sure information on immunisations and health checks are always available in BSL.

31. Make sure that professional health information that is online is available in BSL.

Person holding up information book

32. Make sure all health and social care staff receive training in BSL awareness.

33. BSL users' health records should say clearly that the patient's first language is BSL.

34. Make sure that information on self directed support is available in BSL.

Information Panflet

35. Make sure that information on mental health is available in BSL.

Goal Six: Health and Mental Health and Social Care


Do you think these are the right goals?

Two people voicing their answer


Check box


Check box

Please tell us why?

Person thinking

Is there anything else you want to tell us about Health and Mental Health and Social Care goals?

Person asking a question


Email: Hilary Third

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