
Consultation on the Draft British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan 2017-2023: EasyRead version

We are seeking views on improving public services for BSL users.

Culture, Leisure, Sports + the Arts

Goal Eight: Culture, Leisure, Sport and the Arts

BSL users will enjoy fair and inclusive access to Scotland's culture, leisure pursuits, sport and the arts and will have every opportunity to share their own Deaf culture with the people of Scotland.

Scottish Ministers will reach their goals by:

mixture of people doing different activities

40. Encouraging BSL users to take part in the culture, leisure, sport and the arts

41. Supporting BSL users to consider culture, leisure, sport or the arts as a career choice

42. Encouraging BSL to be used in performing arts and film.


43. Working with the bodies delivering culture, leisure, sport and the arts to make sure that websites are easy to access and inclusive for BSL users.

44. Increasing the number of public events and arts programmes that have BSL interpretation.

45. Working with Historic Environment Scotland to introduce BSL tours in historic buildings to improve access for BSL users.

Historic Building

46. Working to make sure that everyone can access and take part in Scotland's culture.

three people oustide

47. Working with sportscotland to provide information on their website about good practice when working with BSL users and increasing awareness and understanding about BSL.

Person signing. Text Says: communicate. Below the text is a laptop which says welcome

Goal Eight: Culture, Leisure, Sport and the Arts


Do you think these are the right goals?

Two people voicing their answer


Check box


Check box

Please tell us why?

Person thinking

Is there anything else you want to tell us about Culture, Leisure, Sport and the Arts goals?

Person asking a question


Email: Hilary Third

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