
Equally Safe: draft delivery plan consultation

Consultation regarding Scottish Government's strategy to eradicate violence against women and girls.

Draft Indicators




Prevalence of VAWG

Violence against women and girls is reduced

Gender pay gap

Power, decision-making and material resources are distributed more equally between men and women

% of local councillors, MSPs and MPs who are women

Power, decision-making and material resources are distributed more equally between men and women

Public attitudes to seriousness and harm of different forms of VAWG

Tolerance of VAWG is reduced and people are more likely to recognise and challenge it

Proportion of public who believe rape myths

People have increased understanding of all forms of VAWG (causes, consequences and appropriate responses)

Proportion of public who have stereotypical views on gender roles

Gender norms and expectations are reduced

Proportion of women who had experienced partner abuse in the last 12 months who said the police came to know about any of the incidents they experienced

Perpetrators are identified (early)

Proportion of women who had experienced rape and sexual abuse in the last 12 months who said the police came to know about any of the incidents they experienced

Perpetrators are identified (early)

Proportion of women who had experienced stalking and harassment in the last 12 months who said the police came to know about any of the incidents they experienced

Perpetrators are identified (early)

Number of men convicted of VAWG related crimes

Perpetrators are sanctioned / held to account

Number of women and minors trafficked for domestic servitude

Violence against women and girls is reduced

Number of women and minors trafficked for sexual exploitation

Violence against women and girls is reduced




Total funding invested in preventing and eradicating VAWG at a local level.


% comparison of male council employees' combined hourly earnings with female council employees' combined hourly earnings (using the mean)

Power, decision-making and material resources are distributed more equally between men and women

% of women who are the highest paid 5% of council employees

Power, decision-making and material resources are distributed more equally between men and women

% of professionals who attend VAWG training who report improvements in their:

a) knowledge,
b) skills, and
c) behaviours

as a result of this training

Gender norms and expectations are reduced

People have increased understanding of all forms of VAWG (causes, consequences and appropriate responses)

% of people who attend VAWG awareness raising sessions who report improvements in their:

a) knowledge,
b) behaviours

as a result of these activities.

Gender norms and expectations are reduced

People have increased understanding of all forms of VAWG (causes, consequences and appropriate responses)

Tolerance of VAWG is reduced and people are more likely to recognise and challenge it

No of women and children identified as being affected by VAWG who are referred to a specialist support service

Women and children's safety needs are met

Women and children's wider wellbeing needs are met

Average length of time women and children need to wait to access specialist support services

Women and children's safety needs are met

Women and children's wider wellbeing needs are met

% of women and children who report feeling safer as a result of the support they have received

Women and children's safety needs are met

% of women and children who report their wellbeing has improved as a result of the support they have received.

Women and children's wider wellbeing needs are met

No and % of perpetrators of VAWG who are referred to perpetrator interventions

Perpetrators are supported to change their behaviour

Number of men convicted of VAWG related crimes

Perpetrators are sanctioned / held to account


Email: Leonie Stone

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