
Draft regulations for social security appeals: consultation

The Scottish Government is consulting on the development of provisions required to hear social security appeals.

Part 3: Consultation On Draft Regulations Adding The Name Of The Social Security Chamber To The List Of Chambers Into Which The First-Tier Tribunal For Scotland Is Divided


23. Section 20 of the 2014 Act gives the power for the Scottish Ministers to make regulations providing for the organisation of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland into chambers. This power has been exercised in making the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Chambers) Regulations 2016. Regulation 2 lists the chambers into which the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland is divided.

Draft regulations

24. The draft regulations in Annex B add the name of the Social Security Chamber to the list in regulation 2 of the Chambers Regulations of chambers into which the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland is divided.

Do you have any comments you wish to make on the draft First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Chambers) Amendment Regulations?


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