
Revised code of conduct for registered property factors: consultation

Consultation paper and supporting documents on the proposals to revise the code of conduct for registered property factors.

How we would like you to help?

10. This consultation paper sets out a draft revised statutory Code of Conduct for registered property factors, proposals to amend certain provisions of the Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 (2011 Act) to give further effect to the Code and to seeks views on the impact of the 2011 Act.

11. This consultation is comprised of 18 questions and set out in five parts:

  • Part One seeks your views on the impact of the original code of conduct for property factors (which came into force on 1 October 2012) and whether this has led to improvements in the quality of factoring services provided to homeowners by property factors?;
  • Part Two seeks your views on the introductory text, themes and specific requirements included in the draft revised Code;
  • Part Three seeks your views on amending certain provisions of the Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 with the purpose of giving further effect to the draft 'revised' Code;
  • Part Four seeks your views on the impact on equality groups and costs to businesses and related interests in implementing the requirements of the draft 'revised' Code? These will help us to understand the impact of the Code upon business and equality groups;
  • Part Five seeks your views on the impact of the wider 2011 Act and whether this has led to improvements in the regulation of property factors?

12. Your answers will help us to consider whether the draft revised code requires further amendment, to develop a revised mandatory set of standards that property factors adhere to and to consider whether further legislative action is required?


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