
Revised code of conduct for registered property factors: consultation

Consultation paper and supporting documents on the proposals to revise the code of conduct for registered property factors.

Part Four: Impact Assessment

Costs and other resources

38. A Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment [32] was prepared prior to the introduction of the original Code which was published in 2012.

39. To assist us in determining the impact of the proposals to revise the Code (as published as part of this consultation), and any proposed changes to the 2011 Act (see Question 12 and 13) we are interested to find out if these proposals would lead to increased costs and/or impact on resources for you or your business (if applicable)?

40. Any comments received will be used to inform an updated Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment which would be prepared in support of any Order to lay a revised Code as per section 14 of the 2011 Act.

Consultation Question

Question 14a: Are there any proposals in this consultation which have any financial, regulatory or resource implications for you and/or your business (if applicable)? Choose from the following options:




Please explain your answer?


41. An Equality Impact Assessment was prepared prior to the introduction of the current Code which was published in 2012 [33] .

42. We would welcome your comments on whether the proposals in the draft revised Code (as published as part of this consultation) and any proposed changes to the 2011 Act (see Question 12 and 13) may impact or have implications on 'Equality Groups' i.e. particular groups of people in respect of their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation, being pregnant or on maternity leave and children's rights and wellbeing?

43. Any comments received will be used to inform an updated Equalities Impact Assessment as well as a Children's Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment which would be prepared in support of any Order to lay a revised Code as per section 14 of the 2011 Act.

Consultation Question

Question 14b: Are there any proposals in this consultation which impact or have implications on 'equality groups'? Choose from the following options:




Please explain your answer?


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