
Consultation on the Draft Scottish Climate Change Adaption Programme: Analysis of Responses

Analysis of responses to a public consultation exercise seeking views on the draft Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme.

10 Other Comments

10.1 This chapter briefly summarises comments made at Question 7, the last question in the consultation. It also summarises any other comments that respondents made in relation to the Programme which did not relate to any of the previous questions and it includes comments on the consultation process itself. The consultation asked:

Question 7: Please provide any additional comments you would like to make on the draft Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme.

10.2 Forty (40) respondents (60% of all respondents) made additional comments in relation to the Programme. These largely repeated or reiterated comments made in response to previous questions; highlighted areas for greater emphasis (e.g. business resilience; peatland conservation; coastal erosion; green infrastructure; etc.); and covered many of the issues already summarised in Chapter 3 (Key issues). Thus, these points are not repeated here.

10.3 Some respondents made positive comments about the Programme overall, describing it as "comprehensive" and "welcome", and recognising the effort taken by the Scottish Government in developing a "strategic approach" to adaptation and setting a "long-term direction". Respondents also voiced their willingness to play a part in helping Scotland to become more resilient to the processes of climate change.

10.4 Respondents also made broad statements about climate change in general, or adaptation in particular. For example:

  • It is important that adaptation becomes embedded in the policy, processes and language of the planning system.
  • Partnership working is key to the success of the Programme.
  • The Scottish Government should avoid "perverse outcomes" whereby Scotland becomes more resilient to climate change while increasing emissions.
  • Adaptation should include a strong element of behavioural change. There is a need to develop practical ways of helping people to integrate adaptation into their thinking and daily lives.
  • Climate change is relatively new to public bodies, and the knowledge base is developing rapidly. Therefore, the Scottish Government should continue to support mechanisms for sharing knowledge and building capacity.

10.5 A wide range of general comments were also made about the Programme itself, including, for example:

  • The Programme should be allowed to evolve as further changes in climate and associated risks develop.
  • The Programme's objectives should be more clearly aligned to the 15 National Outcomes in order to facilitate a stronger link between adaptation, Single Outcome Agreements and the Community Planning process.
  • It would be helpful to clarify how the previous Adaptation Framework's detailed 12 Sector Action Plans and their outcomes will be integrated into the current Programme.
  • The Programme should mention the economic opportunities for businesses of adapting to climate change.

Disagreeing with the premise of the consultation

10.6 One (1) respondent challenged the premise upon which the Programme is based. This individual had the view that there is no evidence that climate change (or "global warming") is taking place, and therefore argued that the Programme should be opposed.

Comments on the consultation process

10.7 In relation to the consultation process itself, the main comment was that respondents found it difficult to respond to this particular consultation because of the need to cross reference between multiple documents.


Email: Climate Change Legislation Team

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