
Consultation on the Draft Scottish Climate Change Adaption Programme: Analysis of Responses

Analysis of responses to a public consultation exercise seeking views on the draft Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme.

2 Response to the Consultation

2.1 This section provides details of the number and types of respondents to the consultation and the types of responses received.

Number of responses received and types of respondents

2.2 The consultation received 67 responses. All but three of these were from organisational respondents. (Table 2.1)

Table 2.1: Number of responses received

Respondent type n %
Individuals 3 4%
Groups / organisations 64 96%
Total 67 100%

2.3 Local authorities comprised a third of organisational respondents (34%), while non-government organisations comprised a fifth (19%). Other respondents included NHS boards and other health-related bodies; and agencies involved in conservation and planning, education and research, transport and the private sector. (Table 2.2). Just over half of the organisational respondents were public bodies with defined duties under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009.[3] A complete list of organisational respondents is provided at Annex 1.

Table 2.2: Group / organisational respondent types

Group / organisational respondent type n %
Local authorities & community planning partnerships 22 34%
Non-government organisations 12 19%
Education and research bodies 7 11%
NHS or health-related agencies 5 8%
Conservation and planning bodies 4 6%
Transport agencies 4 6%
Private sector organisations 4 6%
Other public bodies 6 9%
Total 64 100%

Note: Percentages do not total 100% due to rounding.

Geographical distribution of respondents

2.4 The majority of respondents were based in Scotland and had a Scotland-wide remit. Four respondents were based in England. Two of these were education / research organisations and two were private sector energy companies.

Responses to individual questions

2.5 Not all respondents answered all the questions in the consultation. Response rates for the closed (tick-box) questions ranged from 55-88% for questions 1-5 of the consultation questionnaire. Response rates for the open questions were generally lower, ranging from 39-85% in questions 1-5. Response rates generally declined towards the end of the questionnaire, with the response rates highest for question 1 and lowest for question 5. The response rates for the Environmental Report questions (questions 6a-f) were lower still, ranging from 37-43% for closed questions and 13-31% for open questions. Annex 2 provides details of the number of responses received against each question.


Email: Climate Change Legislation Team

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