
Offshore renewable energy - draft decommissioning guidance: consultation

Consultation to gather views from industry, regulators and other stakeholders on Scotland’s first industry guidance for the eventual decommissioning of offshore renewable energy infrastructure.

Why are we consulting?

Scottish Ministers are now responsible for approving decommissioning programmes for renewable energy installations in Scottish waters following changes to the Energy Act 2004. 

We’re seeking views on our draft new guidance on the decommissioning of offshore renewable energy installations.

This consultation applies to Scotland, but we welcome responses from organisations or individuals based elsewhere who have views on how the proposed changes may impact the offshore renewable energy industry.

This is the first version of this guidance published specifically to cover Scotland, as powers passed from UK Government on 1 April 2017. This Scottish guidance covers many of the issues covered in the UK Government’s guidance for installations in English and Welsh waters. It focuses in particular on issues relating to the provision of decommissioning cost estimates and associated financial security, to assist and inform developers.

We want views on this first draft from industry, regulators, and other interested parties, on the potential impacts - for example on the offshore renewables sector, the environment, or on other users of the sea.



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