
Scottish Crown Estate strategic management plan: partial BRIA

How the draft plan may impact on business (including the third sector) and regulation.

Digital Impact Test

The Plan does not involve direct provision of services and the consultation is being undertaken via a web-based consultation. The Plan does not therefore provide direct opportunities for enhancing digital provision of services. The Plan provides high level objectives, priorities and policies on the management of the Scottish Crown Estate which align with Scottish Ministers’ wider objectives, priorities and policies. Any manager of a Scottish Crown Estate asset is required to have regard to the Plan and decisions on management of the Scottish Crown Estate comply with the wider legal framework for public bodies in Scotland.

Implementation of the Plan will provide an opportunity for a manager of a Scottish Crown Estate asset to consider within this wider policy and regulatory framework whether there are opportunities for a manager to enhance digital provision of services and contribute to the increasing shift of economic, social and governmental interactions online with appropriate arrangements to where necessary to mitigate any adverse impact on traditional or offline businesses.



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