
A Consultation on Electronic Cigarettes and Strengthening Tobacco Control in Scotland

The primary aim of this consultation is to invite views on a range of potential measures for the sale and use of electronic cigarettes and strengthening tobacco control in Scotland.

Equality considerations

The Scottish Government are committed to promoting equality. To do so we need to understand the needs of each person. Therefore, in the development of our proposals we will ensure that we identify any equality impacts for people with a protected characteristic (as defined by the Equality Act 2010).

We are undertaking an Equality Impact Assessment which will allow us to fully explore these issues. The results of this will be published on the Scottish Government's website when completed.

This consultation provides an opportunity to obtain the views of interested parties and members of the public on any possible equality impacts, including impacts on those with protected characteristics. The responses to our consultation will assist in our development of the Equality Impact Assessment.

43. What issues or opportunities do the proposed changes raise for people with protected characteristics (age; disability; gender reassignment; race; religion or belief; sex; pregnancy and maternity; and sexual orientation)?

44. If the proposed measures are likely to have a substantial negative implication for equality, how might this be minimised or avoided?

45. Do you have any other comments on or suggestions relevant to the proposal proposals in regard to equality considerations?


Email: Claire McDermott

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