
Consultation to establish a consumer body for Scotland

The purpose of this consultation is to gather views from stakeholders on the proposed powers and functions of a new consumer body, called Consumer Scotland.

Question summary

1. Do you have any comments on the consumer landscape in Scotland?

2. Do you agree with the proposed functions of Consumer Scotland?

3. Which powers and duties would you like Consumer Scotland to have, in order to carry out its proposed role?

4. What are the criteria that would constitute a specifically Scottish consumer issue?

5. Which criteria might Consumer Scotland consider when assessing the level of harm needed to be reached before an investigation is pursued?

6. Are there additional functions you think Consumer Scotland should have to allow it to deliver impacts for consumers in the current landscape?

7. Are there any additional functions Consumer Scotland should have that will enable it to adapt and respond to future consumer challenges?

8. What are your views on the current consumer advice system? How could it be strengthened?

9. What are your views on how the Scottish Government could improve how it commissions and funds advice to individuals?

10. How can advocacy develop greater capacity to bring change for consumers?

11. What are your views on whether there should be a duty on public authorities to consider the impacts on consumers of policies or decisions?

12. Beyond the actions set out in section 2, how should Scottish Government use its resources and powers to improve outcomes for consumers?


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