
Guidance on assessing capacity and considering wellbeing: analysis of consultation responses

Analysis of consultation responses on guidance for education authorities and school staff on assessment of capacity and consideration of wellbeing of children.


Respondents were asked is the format of the document appropriate? They also had the opportunity to suggest potential improvements.


Option Total Percentage
Yes 11 52.38%
No 5 23.81%
Don't Know 0 0%
Did not answer 5 23.81%

The majority of respondents responded positively to the format of the document, although as requested improvements were made to the format of the case studies, with sub-headings being added to make them easier to navigate.

There was a comment within the consultation about providing this guidance in an alternative format for parents and children. The guidance is primarily aimed at local authorities and practitioners, although further information which is specifically designed for parents on a range of Additional Support for Learning issues can be obtained via Enquire, whose contact details are provided within the guidance.

Enquire will also provide advice and information to children on the use of their rights (or their parent's use of them), as part of the new Children's Support Service.


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